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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Torani Flavored Syrups Review

We drink lots of coffee and tea especially around the winter months.  We use our Keurig machine so often that it seems it never is turned off.  But buying everyone's favorite coffee and tea flavors in the house can become way too expensive.  The best way for everyone to have their favorite flavor is by using Torani Syrups.
I was recently selected to review Torani Syurps through She Speaks.  Torani comes in so many flavors it is almost hard to pick just one.  I chose Peppermint and Vanilla Bean to review.  Vanilla Bean is great and can be used in drinks or use in recipes.  I love putting a little in pancakes and waffles to jazz up the flavor.

My favorite was the peppermint.  It was delicious in tea and even better in Hot Peppermint Schnapps.

I used the Torani Peppermint Syrup in place of Peppermint Schnapps and it turned out great!  You can make this without the alcohol and it makes for a warm treat for the kids as well.


1 cup chocolate milk, heated
1 jigger Torani Peppermint Syrup 
1/2 jigger vodka
whipped cream
chocolate curls
peppermint stick candy


In a mug, combine hot chocolate, syrup, and vodka. Top with whipped cream and chocolate curls and peppermint stick.

About Torani

In 1925, Rinaldo and Ezilda Torre visited family in Lucca, Italy. The two returned home to their native San Francisco with something very important: handwritten recipes, which they used to create authentic flavored syrups.

These syrups helped Rinaldo and Ezilda reintroduce the Italian soda to their North Beach neighborhood. And the sodas were a hit. Years later, Torani helped record another hit: our syrup was used to create the world’s first flavored latte!

For more information or to connect with Torani visit them online, facebook  &/or twitter

Check out some of the Torani recipes here.  What are some recipes that you have come with that use Torani Syrups?

This is a sponsored post by SheSpeaks and Torani.  I received two complimentary bottles of  Torani Syrups and some coupons to share.  I was not compensated in any way in order to provide a positive review. All opinion are my own. For further policy disclosure please click here.


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