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Foster Farms Gluten Free Corn Dogs - 5 Winners

Monday, January 7, 2013

National Bubble Bath Day 1/8/2013

Since tomorrow is National Bubble Bath Day (My favorite thing EVER!) I thought I would make today's Motivational Monday about Bubble Baths.  Enjoy and Relax!

People have been enjoying warm baths for thousands of years. In Ancient Rome, bathing at a public facility was part of the daily routine for most citizens. A trip to the Roman baths might include a dip in the caldarium (hot tub), a brief break in the laconicum (sauna), and a refreshing swim in the frigidarium (cold pool).

Up until the late 1940s, the average American bathed once a week for personal hygiene. Today, a daily shower is standard, but it’s important to indulge in a luxurious soak every once in a while. A bubble bath can help open up your pores, cleanse your skin, and relax muscles.

Pick up a bottle of your favorite bubble bath product and fill your tub tonight to celebrate Bubble Bath Day! Create a calming spa atmosphere with background music, candles, and a towel to cushion your neck. Enjoy!

Roses in the bathtub and bubbles drifting high,
The soothing flow of water relaxes with a sigh.
Now, look out the window and smile at butterflies.
Laugh at all the bumblebees and swallows on the fly.
There’s nothing like a bubble bath
When life becomes a chore.
The foam hides all the ugliness
And perfume masks it more.
Be sure to wash the gloom away
Along with all the pain.
Then, rinse the whole disaster
And send it down the drain.
By Patricia McAdams


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